
The road to success
Farm animals

Farm animals

Our objective is not only the cultivation of coffee, that’s rather our base because we all have an extended affinity to coffee with which we can convince. We want to help the people…

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The stairs

The stairs

We started with constructing a stair. It is one of our first steps to share our experience with the farmers. As you can see, the construction gains form and shape. This is an essential milestone: The first stairway is completed. In...

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Cultivation of vegetables and fruits

Cultivation of vegetables and fruits

The cultivation of fruits and vegetables is to ensure the supply with healthy food stuff. The climatic conditions are perfect for the cultivation. In the past the cultivation of vegetables was not forced because the nature offerd fruits for free. We intend...

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Development of the water spring

Development of the water spring

The plantation owns a water spring which has to be bordered. Subsequently a reservoir must be constructed in order to be able to use the spring water for the further coffee beans processing.

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Renovation of buildings

Renovation of buildings

We renovate farm buildings, storage buildings and cottages. We plan further boilings for accommodation purposes. Currently we plan 3 cabins for guests, who want to visit the plantation. The cabins will be equipped with 4 beds. Additional we...

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Reforest of the coffee plantation

Reforest of the coffee plantation

In order to establish a foundation for an efficient operation of the coffee plantation we will reforest and clean the plantation. For this to perform we will purchase new coffee-plants. We'll continuously report the current state of this...

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Farmed animals

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